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Course programme File Programma generale

Programma e modalità d'esame

File Programma dettagliato

Programma dettagliato

File Letture economiche

Letture da preparare per l'orale (lettura e traduzione)

File Tabella riconoscimento crediti linguistici

Tabella delle certificazioni linguistiche riconosciute ai fini dell'esonero parziale del programma di esame

File Informativa: Laboratori di Lingua Inglese

Informativa: Laboratori di Lingua Inglese

File Sample Test

Esempio di prova scritta d'esame

Personality - present tenses URL Prefixes - audio

Listen to Professor David Crystal talking about prefixes:

"Prefixes, almost by definition, don't occur as separate words. I mean, that's what they're for: they're for modifying a word, occurring before a word, and making it change its meaning - happy, un-happy, national, de-nationalise and all this sort of thing. They don't normally occur as words on their own. But occasionally they do.

You've perhaps heard 'anti' - he's very 'anti' something, a-n-t-i. Or he's very 'pro' something -- well they're prefixes which have suddenly become different words. Now they've been around a long time. A recent one, an absolutely fascinating one, is this prefix 'dis': d-i-s, or sometimes d-i-s-s. It's from the word 'disrespect', to show disrespect to somebody, from the noun, by insulting language, or insulting behaviour. It means basically to put somebody down.

It's American, black English slang really, and it's been around since about 1980. And what's happened, it's come to be used as a full verb. You can say now 'I dissed him' - to diss, I dissed him - or 'stop dissing her'. And that's the interesting thing, that it's the prefix that's become the verb! It's a most remarkable development."

URL Ex. 1

Present simple or present continuous? Do the exercise and check your answers.

File Ex. 2

Do the exercise.

URL Present continuous video clips

Watch the video clips.

File Pronunciation of final "s"

Rules to pronounce the final "s" in plurals and in the third person singular of verbs in the present simple.

URL Pronunciation of final 's': explanation and exercise

Read the explanation, listen to the pronunciations and do the exercise, then check your answers.

Travel - past simple File Travel

How to translate the Italian "viaggio".

URL Travel vocabulary exercise

Do the exercise and check your answers.

File Irregular verbs

Most commonly used irregular verbs.

URL Simple past ex. 1

Do the exercise and check your answers.

File Clip from "Frantic"

Watch the clip and do the activities.

File "Frantic" activity

Watch the clip and do the activities.

Keep calm - Present perfect URL "I Still Haven't Found..." ex

Watch the video and do the exercise

URL Past Simple or Present Perfect?

Do the online exercise and get a grade

Work - present perfect continuous, countable/uncountable words URL Present perfect simple or continuous?

Do the online exercise and check your answers. Read about the most common mistakes in the use of these two tenses.

Language - future forms, articles URL English is great - part 1

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

URL English is great - part 2

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

URL Future ex. 1

Do the exercise, check your answers and read the rest of the page.

URL Future ex. 2

Follow the link, do the exercise, check your answers and read the explanations.

URL "Year One" movie clip - "to be going to"

Read the sentences that were taken from or made about the segment from the movie Year One. Decide the reason the structure to be going to is used and write it in the parentheses. Answer keys follow.

A. To refer to our plans and intentions: We're going to move to London next year. (= the plan is in our minds now.)

B. To make predictions based on present evidence: Look at those clouds - it's going to pour with rain! (= It's clear from what I can see now.)
1. I'm going to change my head. ( )
2. I'm going to eat the forbidden fruit. ( )
3. Eating a fruit is not going to change your entire life. ( )
4. He's going to ask some questions to test if his friend got more intelligent. ( )
5. The snake is going to constrict him. ( )
6. The snake is going to eat him. ( )
7. I'm going to eat more fruit. ( )
Answer keys:
1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A
URL 21 accents video

Watch the video on the variety of English accents

URL Language - "New words" listening activity

Listen to the audio, read the transcript, and do the exercises. Than check your answers.

Advertising - first and second conditional, comparisons URL First conditional exercises

Do the three exercises and check your answers.

URL If-clause ex. 1

Follow the link and do the exercise, then check your answers.

URL If-clause ex. 2

Follow the link and do the exercise, then check your answers.

URL First or second conditional?

Read the sentences and decide if they are in the first or second conditional form.

File Comparatives and superlatives

Rules to form comparative and superlatives forms of adjectives and adverbs.

URL Comparatives and superlatives ex. 1

Do the exercise and check your answers.

URL Comparatives and superlatives ex. 2 and 3

Follow the link, do the exercises and check your answers.

Business - past continuous and past perfect URL Entrepreneurs are great - part 1

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

URL Entrepreneurs are great - part 2

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

URL Simple past/past progressive ex 1

Do the exercise and check your answers.

URL Simple past/past progressive ex 2

Do the exercise and check your answers.

File Past perfect

Watch the slides.

URL Simple past/past perfect ex. 1

Do the exercise and check your answers.

Design - modals URL Innovation is great - part 1

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

URL Innovation is great - part 2

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

File Modal verbs - conceptual map

Conceptual map of modal verbs

Education - relative clauses URL What's a University Education Worth?

Do the preparation task first, then listen to the audio file and do the two tasks. You can read the transcript at any time by clicking on the trascript button.

File What's a University Education Worth?

Do the preparation task first, at

URL Knowledge is great - part 1

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

URL Knowledge is great - part 2

Watch the video, click on the transcript button and carry out the tasks.

Revision URL Mixed tenses exercise

Do the exercise and check your answers.

URL Tenses review

Do the exercise and check your answers

Esami Online File Tutorial Studenti LockDown Browser Respondus Monitor

Tutorial Studenti LockDown Browser Respondus Lockdown

File Modalità di svolgimento dell'appello del 20 gennaio
