Topic outline
Starting from the Academic Year 2024/25, SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING becomes a 9 CFU Course held in the first semester. The instructor is prof. Giulio Giunta.
Scientific Computing is foundational to recent developments in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence due to its role in modeling and simulating complex phenomena, solving optimization problems, and managing big data. It provides the necessary numerical algorithms and computing techniques crucial for training complex AI models and analysing complex and high dimensional data. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of Scientific Computing facilitates the integration of diverse knowledge domains, driving innovation and enhancing the efficiency of AI and Machine Learning algorithms.
The course is held in the first Semester (from September 24, 2024 to December 20, 2024: Monday 14:00-16:00, Tuesday 14:00-16:00, Thursday 16:00-18:00, Lab Info 1 second floor south).
Professor Giulio Giunta, Office: room 420, email:, phone: 0815476546. Office hours: Thursday 11:30 - 12:30. Please send an email for fixing an online meeting. Microsoft TEAMS code: 69vk37a
Teaching Assistant: Dr. Pasquale De Luca, Office: room 435, email:
The exam calendar of SC AY 2024-25 appears on the ESSE3 portal. It is necessary to book the exam date in ESSE3. Exam dates : January 28, 2025 at 10:00, in Aula 5; February 21, 2025. at 10:00, in Aula 5; March 6, 2025, at 10:00, in Aula 5.
The exam calendar of SC AY 2023-24 (annual) is the following (contact prof. Giunta): October 23, at 10:00, office 420; November 20, at 10:00, office 420; December 18, at 10:00, office 420.Teaching material:
Teaching material consists of the interactive book Scientific Computing Lab Book, by G. Giunta, 2024 (free, both as Matlab Live Editor notebook, and in pdf format). Some Video-lessons, recorded in real time in the AY 2023/24, are available (contact Marco Lettiero ).
The teaching material is available both on the Team (Teams code 5612r12) of the Course (folder: Teaching Materials) and in this page (see below).Students need to install Matlab on their laptops and also install the contents of the 2 folders: OUR_MATLAB_FUNCTIONS and SCIENTIFIC_COMPUTING_LAB_BOOK.
The lectures are very interactive and students should be able to run, edit and analyze Matlab programs in Notebook-style format during the lecture.
Foreign students who have not yet completed the University registration procedure must contact Prof. Giunta to obtain an off-line copy of the teaching material.
More information on the exam:
The exam can be taken in oral form (default) or in written form (upon the student's request).
It typically consists of answering five questions: two questions on Linear Algebra (such as “properties of QR /SVD factorization”, “ properties of orthogonal matrices and orthogonal projections”, “ Principal Components Analysis and SVD”,…); one question on Minimization (such as “properties of the gradient and Gradient Descent Methods”, “Stochastic Gradient Descent”, “Non Linear Least Squares”,…); one question on Fourier/Wavelet Analysis (such as “DFT and IDFT”, “ Fourier series”, “properties of Fourier Transform”, “ definition and application of Continuous Wavelet Transform”, “Discrete Wavelet Transform”, ”multiresolution analysis and filters”,…), one miscellaneous question (such as "Page Rank algorithm", “Markov Chains”, “Automatic Differentiation”,…).
Good knowledge of Matlab is strictly required and students will be asked how to solve some specific problems using Matlab. -
The following Sections are exclusively inteded for students enrolled to the Course BEFORE the Academic Year 2024/25.
The course is divided into two parts. Part I is held by prof. G.Giunta, Part II is held by Prof. M. Rizzardi.
The final exam is unique. Students are allowed to take the exam as two exams (exam-Part I and exam-Part II). The calendar of the exam-Part I appears below (and does NOT appear in the ESSE3 portal). The calendar of the exam-Part II coincides with that of the complete exam and appears on the ESSE3 portal. Only for the exam-Part II it is necessary to book in ESSE3.
Starting from November 2024, students will have to contact Prof. G. Giunta for any information on the exam process and on the exam calendar for Part I and Part II.
Scientific Computing - Part I
Data Science and Simulations - 6 cfu (prof. Giulio Giunta)All the lessons of the past academic year 2021/22 have been recorded and can be seen via Microsoft TEAMS - Teams code of the lessons of prof. Giunta: 5612r12
Teaching Assistant P. De Luca, room 435, email: ;;
Next exams-Part I (prof. G. Giunta, room 420): July 10, 2024 at 10:00; September 11, 2024 at 10:00. The reservation must be made four days in advance, exclusively via email to the teacher (the exam-Part I cannot be booked on ESSE3). The order of arrival of the email will be the order of the exam calendar. Each booked student will receive an email with the day and time of their exam. The exam-Part I will be held in person (the online mode is reserved for students with frailty. The online exam takes place via Microsoft TEAMS. The Teams code for the exam-Part I is ged324m).
More information on the exam Part 1: the student can decide to take the exam either in written or oral form. Typically it consists in answering five questions: three questions on Numerical Linear Algebra (such as "scalar product and its properties", matrix-matrix multiplication and its interpretations", “properties of QR /SVD factorization”, “ properties of orthogonal matrices and orthogonal projections”, “ Principal Components Analysis and SVD”,…); one question on Minimization (such as “Properies of the gradient and Gradient Descent Methods”, “Stochastic Gradient Descent”, “Non Linear Least Squares”,…); one miscellaneous question (such as "Page Rank algorithm", “Markov Chains”, “Automatic Differentiation”,…). Written exam questions from the latest exams can be found in the "written exam" folder in the course team on Microsoft Teams.
Teaching material consists of video-lessons recorded in real time (via Teams, all lessons, AA 2021/2022 and AA 2023/24), slides of the lessons (all lessons), On-Line Tutorials (Matlab Live Editor files) which make up the laboratory part of the course, Matlab files of the programs developed in the course.
Video lessons of AA 2023/24 are available clicking here .
The teaching material is also availabl on the Team (teams code 5612r12) of the Course (File - Course material - Matlab files).
A recommended in-depth text is "Linear Algebra and Learning from Data", by G. Strang, Wellesley-Cambridge Press 2019.
Scientific Computing - Part II
Teaching material of Part II, by prof. M. Rizzardi, is available on the elearning page SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING - part 2 (EN - since A.Y. 2022-2023) -
Scientific Computing - part 2
(NEW 2023) go to course page (use the following link):
Corso: SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING - part 2 (EN - since A.Y. 2022-2023) (